Energy healing

Invite Peace and Wellness into your Life


ARe you feeling stuck?

Are you struggling with pain, anxiety, or stress?

Are you facing a health issue that doesn’t seem to resolve?

Energy Healing with the Carolyn Cooper SimplyALIGN™ methodology is a powerful, simple technique that supports healing physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

Here is a list of some of the ways that I support clients. I help them …

  • Be the love that they already are and yet are unable to express or demonstrate.

  • Let go of pain from past hurts.

  • Release trauma that their ancestors experienced, which was passed down through the generations, and is now showing up in their life.

  • Reconcile with people who are important to them in their lives.

  • Stand in their power in ways that are healthy.

  • Release blocks so that it’s easy to create the life they desire.

  • Have a physical healing of their body by supporting the release of underlying emotions that contribute to the physical issue.

  • Shift from distress to hope and a place of healing.

  • Move from a feeling of low self-esteem, to release the beliefs that they are lesser (for example if a parent communicated that they are not good enough), so they can let go and instead live in their truth.

  • Release labels that other people put on them so they can be free to be who they truly are.

The lotus flower is a symbol of beauty and becoming our fullest potential in life. The lotus must first rise through the muddy, murky waters to form a bud and then bloom. As individuals, we can also rise from the muddy waters of life and blossom into the fullness of love and beauty that is possible.

 Whatever your issue, I am honored to support you with your healing journey. Be all that you want to be in your life.

 Schedule your energy healing session now.